
Flooring options for a modern post frame building depend on how you plan to use your building. Post frame building purposes have now evolved beyond the simple pole barn. Now post frame structures are commonly used for fire stations, auto dealerships, retail outlets, warehouses, schools, and churches. Let’s look into how to choose the best flooring options for your post frame building.

For any purpose, you must anticipate your needs and accommodate all the ways in which you will use the building. If heavy equipment and vehicles are moving in and out of the building, you must ensure the flooring option is able to sustain the stress of massive weight.

Pre-Prep for post frame building flooring options

Post frame floors of any kind will last much longer if the footprint is level, compact, and allows for proper drainage. In many instances, a gravel base and supplemental subflooring material may be required. Local building codes may also dictate the minimum thickness and other attributes for your post frame flooring.

Options for Flooring


Concrete flooring is the most popular option for any post frame buildings that are not being used for housing animals. This material is best for machinery and vehicles. Concrete is easy to clean and also reduces the accumulation of dust and moisture. Long-lasting, concrete is perfect for workshops, garages, and structures where people will congregate. Incorporating insulation in the concrete flooring system can also improve the comfort level of the building.


Since asphalt often less expensive than concrete, many building owners opt to use this material for vehicle and equipment storage. However, since this material is softer, it tends to break down sooner. This can leave large gaps and crevices that can sprout weeds unless adequately patched. Asphalt requires maintenance and may not be adequate for heavier machinery. Consider the weight of your vehicle and how often you will be moving them.

Also, remember that newly spread asphalt has a strong odor that may remain during the early months following application. Proper ventilation is advised when choosing this flooring option.


Natural or cultured stone is available in many sizes, shapes, types, and weights. Make sure the stone you select can sustain the usage and weight you might expect before you commit.

Stone flooring types can be marble, limestone, travertine, or more. Stone is an attractive option for residences and buildings where people will be congregating. This type of flooring can also help to keep the structure cooler in the summer months.


Gravel is relatively clean and will prevent any erosion issues from developing within the building. Over time, the material will become compacted, so it does require some maintenance. You’ll need to supplement regularly to maintain the floor level at the original height and to keep dust from appearing.


If aesthetics are not a primary concern, dirt represents the least expensive and softest flooring material. For horses and other livestock, dirt is a natural option and is most comfortable for them. Be aware that the soil and moisture within the building can shift to make footing unstable. So you may choose to regrade the surface periodically. Or you could easily upgrade to another material if you begin to use the building for other uses.

Be aware that during rainy periods, your dirt floor will become muddy in places, particularly near the entrances.

Livestock Matting

Dirt flooring alone will quickly become rutted and uneven with heavy livestock traffic. Mats made from rubber or aggregate materials create a comfortable surface and keep stalls and tack areas from eroding. These can be applied to specific areas of your horse barn or other buildings.

Contact Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings

Pacemaker has been at the forefront of post frame construction development for over three decades. As a designer, supplier, and builder of high-quality materials and construction, Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings, located in North Webster, Indiana, has far-reaching experience with each type of post frame application and process.

You may visit Pacemaker’s Gallery to view many of the company’s past accomplishments in post frame innovation.

To learn more about your flooring options for your post frame building, contact the professionals at Pacemaker at 1-888-834-4448.